Opla is an Open Source software that gives everyone the opportunity to create conversational robots, or chatbots, then to train them from A to Z without coding. The result is a very specialized virtual assistant – virtual expert – that helps users perform better and save time. Our team expertise fits perfectly with the digital transformation of the biggest companies, by making their teams able to build useful and transparent interfaces to automate repetitive and complex tasks, a process better known as RPA (Robotic Processing Automatization). The software was coded and developed entirely by us, including more than two years of R&D, for being able to offer valuable features plus independency and agility.

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"Liens" : autres projets innovants, acteurs ou dispositifs connectés à cet élément
"Contenus" : textes ou vidéos de présentation plus détaillée, et contenus éditoriaux du Connecteur faisant état de cet élément.

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